Your eyes are dry and your contact lens drops out of your eye. Very inconvenient, as you may be driving a car or far away from your lens solution or replacement contacts. Can you put your contact lens in your mouth shortly?

What is Lens Solution made of?

Lens solution is typically made up of a combination of ingredients that work together to clean and disinfect your contact lenses.

Firstly, most lens solutions contain a surfactant, which is a fancy word for a substance that helps to break down and remove dirt and debris from your lenses. This can be anything from a mild soap to a more complex chemical compound.

Secondly, lens solutions also contain a disinfectant, which is what kills off any bacteria or other microorganisms that may be lurking on your lenses. This can be anything from hydrogen peroxide to a more gentle solution like polyhexamethylene biguanide (PHMB).

Overall, the exact ingredients in your lens solution will depend on the brand and type you choose. But rest assured, they are all designed to keep your lenses clean, clear, and comfortable. So next time you're cleaning your lenses, take a moment to appreciate the science behind your trusty lens solution!

Can you use your mouth to moisten your contact lenses?

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where your contact lenses feel dry and uncomfortable, but you don't have any solution on hand? You might have heard that you can use your mouth to moisten your contact lenses, but is it really a good idea? Let's explore this topic further.

Firstly, it's important to note that saliva is not a sterile solution, and it contains bacteria that can potentially harm your eyes. Additionally, the enzymes in saliva can break down the proteins in your contact lenses, causing them to deteriorate faster. So, while it might seem like a quick fix, using your mouth to moisten your contact lenses is not recommended.

Instead, try carrying a small bottle of contact lens solution with you at all times. This will ensure that you always have a safe and effective way to moisten your lenses when needed. If you're in a pinch and don't have any solution on hand, you can also try using sterile saline solution or even plain water as a temporary solution.


The use of saliva to moisten contact lenses is not recommended as it is not a sterile solution and can contain bacteria that may cause eye infections. Saliva can also lead to protein buildup, which can cause discomfort and affect vision. Instead, it is recommended to carry a small bottle of contact lens solution or sterile saline solution to moisten lenses when needed. If these solutions are not available, blinking more frequently or using eye drops can help alleviate dryness temporarily. Contact lens solutions typically contain a surfactant to remove dirt and debris and a disinfectant to kill off bacteria and microorganisms. The exact ingredients in lens solutions vary depending on the brand and type. It is important to appreciate the science behind lens solutions and use them to keep lenses clean, clear, and comfortable. In conclusion, it is best to avoid using saliva to moisten contact lenses and opt for proper solutions instead. Taking care of one's eyes is crucial, and there are products available to help maintain healthy eyes and comfortable contact lens wear.


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